
Our goal is to get your business to a point where you no longer need us.

Either because your business is ready for a full time CFO or you’ve sold your business and we’ve helped you get there!

Natalie started Copper8 Strategies in 2018, working primarily with tech start-ups and providing market research, financial modeling, and venture funding preparation.

From there we found our calling as the fractional CFO and financial services firm for businesses between $1m-$15M in revenue and are deep in scaling and selling mode.

Scaling and selling both require a few key changes in your mindset.

Scaling requires a focus on systems, processes, and financial optimization.

Selling requires a constant eye on valuation, understanding what it is you are selling, and getting your financials in shape right now so your deals aren’t delayed even if your selling point is 5 years away.

Strategic decision-making is our secret sauce, and it starts with tried-and-true financial processes. From there we can build your scaling and selling strategy.

Our approach is simple:

> Knowing your business model inside and out

> Serious dive into your financials

> Understand and support your goals then make sure you’re on the right track to achieve those goals

> Strategic, seasoned guidance to increase revenue generation, gross margin, and decrease expenses where it makes sense.